Is Happiness Over-rated - Would You Settle for Peace and Calm?

Wednesday, October 9

2:00-3:00 PM

Dr. Linda Rosen, psychologist, will give a short presentation and then open it up for Q&A and discussion. Please join us for this free seminar.

There is an underlying pressure in our society for everyone to be happy all the time. Social adds to this myth that everyone should be happy all the time-showing people at their best, having a great time, being popular with everyone smiling. So-is there an alternative-or addition-Happiness?
We will explore the elements of good health-contentment and peace. According to the study Live to 100: The Blue Zone there are typical life patterns and attitudes that are associated with longevity to age 80s and even up to 100’-old age hot spots in places such Sardonia, Italy, Island in Greece, Loma Linda, CA.
It is more therapeutically to find a way to lead a purposeful, healthy life, enjoy the moment, find good coping strategies for down times or life’s challenges and find tolls/skills set to navigate life’s journey.

This Seminar will provide Tools and Skills to focus on Peace and Contentment:
Deep Breathing/To Stay calm
How not to take things personally
How to navigate difficult social situations
Creating 3 things that would make you feel content
Acceptance-life on its own terms.
Getting the most out of an experience
Giving yourself credit, a pat on the back
How to really listen-art and skill
Leading a purposeful life-what is it you would like to do now
Finding who you are now-what you have to offer/give to others
Expanding the arts in your life-musical instrument, art, playing or appreciation
Making healthy choices in friends-food-fun
Role of exercise in your life-are you walking, keep moving
Removing excess, addiction, obsessions-moderation in all things
Mind control-how to redirect your mind to positive thinking
Staying steady, focused, determined-don’t give in to distractions.
Anger-a necessary signal, is not always helpful, how to manage

Free program for all.

Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center

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